Yusabu Taekwondo General Rules of Etiquette
1. Upon entering and leaving the dojang, execute a bow of respect to the displayed national flags, and a bow of courtesy to the instructors.
2. Remove shoes upon entering the dojang and place them in the designated shoe cubbies. Shoes or socks are not to be worn on the training floor.
3. Avoid bringing valuables to class. The school will not be responsible for the loss of or damage to your property.
4. Remove all jewelry prior to engaging in training, particularly rings and potential projectile items such as watches, bracelets and anklets.
5. Maintain a high degree of personal hygiene (for example, toe nails and finger nails should be kept neatly trimmed).
6. The dobok training uniform will be complete at all times (jacket, trousers, belt-properly tied). School uniforms must be washed, clean and neat. Dobok uniform only is permitted at Yusabu Taekwondo School (Judo/ Aikido uniforms may not be worn).​
7. Each class will have a formal ceremonial opening and closing, consisting of a bow to the instructor followed by a period of meditation. During this time, all other activities must cease.
8. Strict attention is to be given to the instructor at all times. Conversation is to be kept to a minimum during the training sessions.
9. Profanity, loss of temper, disruptive behavior or any display of lack of discipline will not be tolerated.
10. Please do not leave the line or class unless asking for the instructor's permission.
11. If you arrive early for a training session, take the opportunity to do warm up exercises and to practice your forms. Do not lounge about.
12. While participating in a training session, there will be no smoking, gum chewing, ingestion of solids or liquids, lounging against walls or sitting. A drink of water will be allowed only if absolutely necessary and with permission of instructor.
13. Practice only those forms or patterns which have been presented to you by the instructor. Do not try to skip ahead through the observation of higher belts.
14. If instructor declares sparring with no contact, not even light contact is allowed. Please demonstrate control.
15. Please arrive at class before scheduled starting time. Late arrival requires permission from instructor to participate in class.